Saturday, October 16, 2010

Renewable energy

While it is expected that fossil fuels will continue to be the main energy generator in years to come, the world is realising it is after all a non-renewable energy and hence, game plans to implement a more sustainable way of creating energy (and being green at the same time)must be acted out soon. The answer? Renewable energy.

Renewable energy seems like the way to go but why didnt anybody think of this long before? Seems that only when things happen, do we start scrambling to find alternatives to save the earth.

I liked the idea mentioned during class about how we could install solar panels on every home and use it to produce energy for our daily living. I would think that such ideas would also enable us to have cheaper bills aside from the construction of the infrastructure because the sun's energy is unlimited and everyone would have free access to it. Plus, the sun's energy is free too, just that we have to tap into it.

I think the most interesting take away from the class for the day is that there are so many other sources of energy that we can utilize which do not necessarily rely on natural resources all the time. One for instance is nuclear energy.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

- Nuclear power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become scarce
- Nuclear power plants need less fuel than ones which burn fossil fuels. One ton of uranium produces more energy than is produced by several million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil
- Coal and oil burning plants pollute the air. Well-operated nuclear power plants do not release contaminants into the environment

Considering that Singapore does not have its own natural resources, this is one area we could research and develop.

above: just a video on other benefits of nuclear energy. I find it interesting that one technology can have so many other uses. It leaves us to think of other possible ways we could capitalise on it.

I'd personally give the session only a 7 because the topic on renewable energy is not quite my cup of tea no doubt I did pick up some interesting points from class.

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